I have been scammed by a PC support call

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Did you just get a call from a pleasant sounding person with a foreign dialect letting you know that they have detected errors on your computer? They'll even offer to show you what is wrong and 'fix' it for you.
You've just become a target and potential victim of a PC Support Scam. This scam is known by many names, It's been called the Fake Tech Support Call Scam, The Event Viewer Scam, The Ammyy Scam, and The TeamViewer Scam (the last two names denote the name of the legitimate remote connection tool used by the scammers to connect to and take control over your computer).
This scam is global and has likely bilked millions of dollars out of victims worldwide. The scam has been around for several years and doesn't appear to be losing any steam. If anything it seems to be becoming more prevalent, with new variants cropping up everyday,

The quickest way to get these idiots off the phone is to tell them that you don't have a computer at all.As with any scam, there will be new variants as the scam is refined, so be on the lookout for new tactics, but the basic clues above will probably remain unchanged.
Now, how do you tell a scammer apart from the Genuine Deal? Well first things first, the GENUINE DEAL will always offer you a FREE ONE TIME SERVICE. Scammers don’t want to fix anything on your computer, they want to make it more difficult for you to use your computer so that you are forced to buy one of their packages. The Genuine Deal will offer you a FREE ONE-TIME FIX, NO STRINGS ATTACHED.
Once the FREE servicing is done, you will have the option of calling the Genuine Support Company back in a couple of days to avail of a discount on the various yearly packages that they have. To try out a GENUINE PC SUPPORT COMPANY, try www.onlinetechrepairs.com or fell free to call them on 1-888-961-4986 with the DISCOUNT CODE (Slnk214332 10/27/2014) to avail of the FREE ONE TIME FIX. SLNK214333 27/10/2014.

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